Batavia Christian Center

Matthew Norville Ministries

Welcome to the Batavia Christian Center / Matthew Norville Ministries web site! Batavia Christian Center / Matthew Norville Ministries is a non-denominational, Bible-believing church founded in June of 1988 in Batavia, Illinois, United States of America. (Batavia is a city 60 kilometers west of the city of Chicago.)

This website is primarily a teaching website. It is secondarily a means to disperse information about the church and its ministers. It is tertiarily a way to provide contact information so that we can be contacted with questions, prayer requests, offerings, etc.

On this website you will find a few links to other websites. These links are meant to provide helpful information to enhance your life and further your knowledge of God's Word. It is to be understood that not all of the information on the linked websites is Biblically correct—even though it may claim to be. However, much of the information is very helpful and easy to use to find things in the Bible, and in the studying of God's Word.

We recommend using the Mozilla Firefox browser on this website. In our opinion, the Mozilla Firefox browser is the best browser that is available. Some web pages on this website may not render correctly with other browsers. In particular, the “Passion Week Calendar” does not render correctly with other browsers (with the exception of Netscape Navigator). The other browsers do not render the letters in the words “FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD” correctly at the bottom of the table cells that are the dates of the calendar.

Mozilla Firefox also has a feature called “Reader View” that is accessible by clicking on the icon to the right of the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) in the address bar. By clicking on this icon that looks like a “page,” a webpage with a colored background then becomes a webpage with black lettering on a white background, like in a normal hardcover or softcover book. This is very helpful if you do not want to read a webpage with a colored background. And since most of the webpages on this website have colored backgrounds, this can be very useful.

About Us

Service Times

Contact Information

Audio Bible

Blue Letter Bible

MP3 Audio/Text Bible

Chick Publications

Wallbuilders (David Barton – Christian Historian)

Teaching Articles

Passion Week Passion Week Calendar
What are the “Days of Unleavened Bread?” Old Testament Jewish Holidays
Jewish Months Sabbath Days
The Easter Sunday Story “Today is the Third Day Since These Things were Done” (Luke 24:21)
The Christmas Story What's the Deal with Transgenderism?
What is a Christian? How Does a Person Become a Christian?
What is a Bible-believing Christian? What is Baptism?
Is Water Baptism Necessary for Salvation? What is Sin?
What is Fornication? Is it a Sin to Have a Tattoo?
Is Abortion Always Murder? What is a Cult?
What is Heaven? What is Hell?
Raised From the Dead and Resurrected What is Being Filled with the Holy Spirit?
What is the Ministry? What is a Pastor?
Can a Woman be a Pastor? What Does “Church” Mean?
What is a Denomination? What is “the Age of Accountability?”
When Does a Person Become an Adult? What is Young? What is Old?
How Old Can a Christian Live to Be? How Did the Races and Languages Come to Be?
The Twelve Sons of Jacob (Israel) in Birth Order Christian Dating
Should Christians Fundraise? Jesus Stills the Storms
My Testimony The Five God-Man Covenants of the Bible
The Six Fundamental Doctrines of Christianity The Ten Plagues of Egypt in 1445 B.C.
The Ten Commandments The Twelve Original Apostles
The Twelve Apostles of the Lamb Biblical Definitions
Historical Timeline The Bible Uses Rounding Off
What We Believe

Articles to come…

How Does a Person Get Filled with the Holy Spirit?

What is Speaking in Tongues?

What is a Minister?

Should Christians be Foster Parents?

Train Up a Child in the Way He Should Go, and When He is Old, He Will Not Depart From It

Are the Jews Still God's Chosen People?

This home page last updated August 19, 2024.